Solidarity is an essential component of our personal and professional culture. We undertake pro bono work to protect particularly worthy interests that are unable to bear the cost of a qualified defence.
Furthermore, we support humanitarian organisations that are committed to the poorest and most marginalised communities and people. We evaluate, assist and follow up the implementation of specific projects over time that in addition to immediate support, involve a forward-looking vision.
Fondazione Theodora
We contribute on several projects to Fondazione Theodora, the non-profit organisation that helps children in hospital and their families to cope with the difficult ordeal of hospitalisation through the visits of “Dottor Sogni”, professional artists hired and specifically trained by the Fondazione for work in paediatric hospitals. Working alongside the Theodora Foundation allows us to ensure practical support based on play, joy and listening. Every year, the Dottor Sogni of the non-profit Fondazione Teodora provide magic, comfort and affection to over 35,000 young patients in 18 Italian hospitals.
Since 2016, we have been supporting the Fondazione Theodora:
Running in support of Theodora at the Milano Marathon Charity
We contribute to the delivery of more than 500 hours of personal visits to children in paediatric wards with visiting “Dottor Sogni”
We financially support the continuing education of the Dottor Sogni and a number of projects, such as the audiobook “25 Fairy Tales for Theodora” and the project “A Room of One’s Own“
We donate tech support (5 PCs) to ensure that the Associazione also receives technical and organisational help
Associazione Caf Onlus
We also sponsor Associazione CAF, the first centre in Italy to provide care, therapy and study of child maltreatment and abuse. CAF is committed to preventing child abuse and maltreatment, welcoming and treating children who are victims of severe physical and emotional trauma, and to providing psycho-educational support to families. Since its foundation to date, the Associazione CAF has taken in and cared for over 1,000 minors in its Residential Communities and offered substantial support to their families.
Since 2016, we have been supporting Associazione CAF:
Running alongside CAF at the Milano Marathon Charity
We support the project “Everyday life that is good for children” in order to provide psychological-educational and trauma-treatment assistance, allowing them to enjoy small moments of everyday life
We support the care and treatment of abused children with the purchase of products (e.g. Christmas Pandoro)
We donate tech support (5 PCs) to ensure that the Associazione also receives technical and organisational help
We continuously support the mission of Doctors with Africa CUAMM (Medici con l'Africa CUAMM), the first Italian organisation to advocate and protect the health of people on that continent. Since 2018, La Scala has been involved in supporting the project to set up the Neonatology Department at the Aber Hospital in Uganda and has provided salaries and training for four young local nurses who work with the organisation:
25 years old and originally from the Lira district, she trained as a nurse and since December 2018 has been working at the Aber Hospital.
30 years old and originally from the Oyam district, he studied comprehensive nursing and has been working with CUAMM since September 2018.
29 years old and originally from the Ngora district, he studied nursing and in September 2018 began his collaboration with CUAMM.
30 years old and originally from the Lira district, he trained at the Lira School of Nursing and since April 2018 has been working with CUAMM at the Aber Hospital.
Avis Milano
We also endorse the valuable work of AVIS Milano. Increasingly, hospitals in Lombardy (and elsewhere) are faced with a shortage of blood units, putting hospital care efforts at a disadvantage. That is why we promptly respond to the call to donate by organising the annual “Donation Day” at our Milan office at Christmas time: a very generous gesture that our staff and employees always do with enthusiasm and solidarity, because donating blood is a simple act that can save a life.
Since 2016, we have been supporting AVIS Milano:
of donating
bags collected