Christian Faggella is Managing Partner of La Scala since 2009 and currently Co-Head of the Credit Recovery Department and member the Board of Directors.
In 2018, following the transformation of La Scala into a Società tra Avvocati, he took on the role of Managing Director.
In 2018, he also became a member the Board of Directors of La Scala Cerved Società tra Avvocati, a company specialising in the in-court and out-of-court management of bank loans.
Mr Faggella advises and represents banking and financial intermediaries and specifically undertakes projects relating to asset management products (including investment funds, hedge funds and structured products), drafting offering documents and industry-related agreements, and listing companies and financial instruments on regulated markets.
As a member of the credit committee of leading companies and industrial groups, he advises on the organisation of the credit recovery process, coordinating the small ticket collection area.
Mr Faggella regularly appears as a speaker and lecturer in courses and conferences on financial and banking litigation, credit recovery and NPLs.
Mr Faggella advises and represents banking and financial intermediaries and specifically undertakes projects relating to asset management products (including investment funds, hedge funds and structured products), drafting offering documents and industry-related agreements, and listing companies and financial instruments on regulated markets.
As a member of the credit committee of leading companies and industrial groups, he advises on the organisation of the credit recovery process, coordinating the small ticket collection area.
Mr Faggella regularly appears as a speaker and lecturer in courses and conferences on financial and banking litigation, credit recovery and NPLs.
Diritto Bancario e Finanziario
Recupero crediti
Law degree, University of Milan (1996).
Master’s in Security Law, University of Zurich (2000).
Lawyers Strategic Management Programme, INSEAD Business School (2018).
Member of the Milan Bar Association (1999).
Entered on the register of defence counsels admitted to plead before the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation and Higher Judicial Authorities (2011).
The latest media from Christian Faggella
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Il futuro del credito, tra tendenze ed evoluzioni: La Scala domani al convegno di CreditNews
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Cresce il mercato dei crediti di difficile esigibilità legati alle utility: Christian Faggella, AD di La Scala, intervistato da Monitor Legale
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La Scala, approvato il bilancio 2023 e rinnovato il consiglio di amministrazione: leggi il comunicato stampa
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Appuntamento al 4 giugno con la roundtable “Minori volumi, maggiori opportunità: paradosso o verità?” promossa da CreditNews, Abbrevia e La Scala, all’interno della CreditWeek 2024
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Christian Faggella al CV Spring Day sui temi della cessione e gestione dei crediti problematici nei settori Utility, Energy, Idrico & Telco
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Christian Faggella al 10° CvSpringDay sui temi della cessione e gestione dei crediti problematici nei settori Utility, Energy, Idrico & Telco
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Nuova direttiva NPL: cosa possiamo aspettarci? Il punto di vista di Christian Faggella AD di La Scala
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La Scala al convegno “Credito: un’opportunità per il sistema Paese” organizzato da CreditNews sui temi legati alla nuova Direttiva NPL
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La Scala al convegno “Credito: un’opportunità per il sistema Paese” organizzato da CreditNews sui temi legati alla nuova Direttiva NPL
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