Margherita Domenegotti joined the firm in 2009 and is Partner since 2017.
In 2021, she also became a member the Board of Directors of La Scala Cerved Società tra Avvocati, a company specialising in the in-court and out-of-court management of bank credits.
She represents leading lending institutions focusing mainly on banking law, specialising on the aspects of credit management.
She is an expert in enforcement procedures involving immovable and movable property, which she supervises at every stage. She focuses on the valuation, individual management, out-of-court and in-court credit recovery, particularly with regard to mortgage loans and low-interest mortgage loans, bank loans, consumer credits and leasing.
She is also involved in the management of litigation, consultancy and opinions concerning the recoverability of credit or its loss.
Ms Domenegotti speaks at numerous conferences and seminars with a focus on banking and credit recovery.
She represents leading lending institutions focusing mainly on banking law, specialising on the aspects of credit management.
She is an expert in enforcement procedures involving immovable and movable property, which she supervises at every stage. She focuses on the valuation, individual management, out-of-court and in-court credit recovery, particularly with regard to mortgage loans and low-interest mortgage loans, bank loans, consumer credits and leasing.
She is also involved in the management of litigation, consultancy and opinions concerning the recoverability of credit or its loss.
Ms Domenegotti speaks at numerous conferences and seminars with a focus on banking and credit recovery.
Diritto Bancario e Finanziario
Recupero crediti
LLM, University of Pavia (2005).
Member of the Milan Bar Association (2009).
The latest media from Margherita Domenegotti
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EP. 235 – Pubblicato il Correttivo alla Riforma Cartabia, cosa dobbiamo aspettarci?
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EP. 213 – La ricerca telematica dei beni da pignorare e lo stato dell’arte post Riforma Cartabia
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EP. 204 – L’intervento delle Sezioni Unite in tema di mediazione e domanda riconvenzionale
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